This is what she asked:
love your site too. I really like your photos and IThis whole orkut shit drives me crazy - just find some bloody photos that you ARE allowed to use....or better yet - take your fucking own. (sorry to those of you who don't condone swearing, but this really makes me mad). Why do you need my photos? Why can't you take some of your own. I get that you guys are all of a sudden asking permission to do it.....but christ. How many people are actually saying "sure, go ahead and take my photos for your stupid, childish games". GIVE UP PEOPLE.
think Sambo is so cute. So I am writting u to ask
for a permition to use him photos on my fake profile
on orkut. I'm a girl with only 15 years old, and fakes
profiles it's like a hobby in my country, u put the
photos of the teens or kids that u think that is
beautiful create a fake name and make
friends that do the same as u but everyone know that
the person that they talk it isn't the kid or the
teen of the photos. Sometimes we get
some photos of famous person that we are fans,
and that's why I really expect that u permit me,
don't care about the photos, they will be
total security on my orkut cuz I'll put a name
and some brushs so as to
nobody want to stole. Please don't say no like
the most of the mommys say, think about it,
think that I wouldn't do anything that u would
dislike about the photos and I just want to play
(i don't know if it's
right to use this word in this case) in an
imaginary world, where
anyone knows who I really am. I'm waiting for
a answer and I expect
that it'll be a good answer for me. Thank u! bye bye!
Ps: since I don't have a blog u can answer me here
and I come back to
It is illegal to take someone's photos, it is in direct violation of copyright laws. They are MY photos, and I didn't take them for some 12 year old in Brazil. If I find you have used them, I will take this further, trust me when I say I won't give up.
So, Marcela - does that answer your question?