Wednesday, January 16, 2008

oh. my. god.

So, we get back from Christmas, and Max is better. Then on the following Thursday (so the 3rd?) Max starts running a temp. That lasts for a good 5 days...then came back. The diarrhea started on day 3 of temps, and lasts for a god damned week. Seriously, it was so bad, that at one stage we changed the poor kids nappy, and there was more blood than poo. I started up with the temps and poos on the Monday night/Tuesday. Sam had temps on and off for a week....but he fought the diarrhea until late last week. He still has been having the odd gross poo. Max did a solid poo today for the first time in 2 weeks. It was hideous...having us all sick at once. Clydey was a champion and took some time off work to help out, and when he was at work, he left early etc to get home to us. I was so exhausted, and poor Max just screamed for days. Sam did sick really well - just was miserable, but happy to lie and sleep or watch tv.

Turns out it was food poisoning. The Dr took a stool sample the day we took Max to see her, and on Monday she rang us to let us know the results. I have no idea what from, as it's almost 2 weeks since Max first started with the temps. I can't believe we all had food poisoning. Anyway, we are pretty much over it now, although I think we are all still a bit exhausted.

So, poor Max celebrated his first birthday being sick. I had big plans to celebrate it with friends, and to make a lovely post on here. But no way. I was too tired, and the kids were too sick. Ah well, Nat is home tomorrow, and Cas next week, so we are going to have a first birthday party for Max when they are around to help us celebrate.

And so much for me posting once a day with a new photo each day. I've actually managed to take one each I will start posting them.

Days Two, Three, Four, Five and Six:

1 comment:

jodyg said...

Oh no Fo, that is such an awful start to the year for you guys. I can't believe that you can have food poisoning for that bloody long.
I hope the solid poos keep up for you guys and that you all bounce back quickly.