Monday, April 16, 2007

Sleep Begets Sleep

I've always said it and I totally believe it! Max had a great night last night - only woke about 3am for a feed, then back down until about 6am this morning. I fed him, then gave him to Clydey so I could get another half hour of sleep (Sam woke up about 1.30am and I went in and lay down with him for half an hour or so). Anyway, Clydey brings Max back in about 6.45am for me, just in time to put him down to sleep. He slept until about 10.15am!! YAY for Max! He stirred once or twice so I just patted his bum and shoved the dummy back in his mouth and he settled back down. Then he was up for an hour and then back down for 2 more hours! It was bliss.... Of course I didn't get any cleaning or anything done, but it was nice just to have some "Fo" time!!

I'm trying to get myself entry into this flickr group - it's called So You Want to Be a Professional Photographer. They have a lottery each month, with a theme and you take a photo around that theme and they pick 3-4 photos and those people get allowed into the group. You just get heaps of advice, tips, tricks, and templates/photoshop actions etc. I have just found this group and this is my first month of trying in the lottery. The theme is Rainbow. I had all these ideas (many of which, others had the same!!) but decided that I should try and get Sam to put on some rainbow toe socks, and write "SYWBPP" (So you want to be a pro etc) on the mirror of his room, and get him to look into the mirror, and take the photo from behind him - so I get him plus his reflection, if you get what I mean? Anyway, I got it all set up, got Sam dressed....and the damn kid threw the biggest wobbly because I wouldn't draw a mower on the mirror for him! I kept saying, "No, mummy had done her drawing, it's your turn" (yep, was even willing to let him draw on the mirror!). Anyway, it just got worse and worse. He was screaming and crying, and running away from me every time I tried to get a photo of him. I got a few...but most are out of focus. Didn't help that I was pissing myself laughing while trying to chase him around the house! It ended up getting a bit out of hand, so I had to put him to bed. These are the photos that I ended up with....makes me laugh just looking at them. What do you think? We got a shot at it? Nah, I didn't think so either, but doubt I'll get time to do more, so this will have to be it for this month. Maybe next month.

Next lot of good news - have had a scrapbooking page of mine accepted for publication by For Keeps Magazine. This will be my third page accepted so far. Bit excited guys (as Sam would say!).

Ok, that's it for now. Am almost finished a scrap page now so will take a photo of it and post it later. Here's the rainbow photos for now!

1 comment:

Cassandra Doyle said...

that honestly just made me sooo sad to see sam's eyes sooo red! But i kinda did lol alot also!
i think just put those ones in and see what happens. does it state you have to have SYWBPP on the photo?? cause the colours are fantastic... i think the one where sam looks like he's playing hide and seek :P