Thursday, May 31, 2007

There is someone up there looking out for me.

I'm sure of it. I've always landed on my feet with anything I've done. Never gotten into (too much!) trouble. Always landed that job I wanted. And now, been blessed with 2 beautiful boys....who really are champions!

So, I was dreading last night. I was prepared to be up ALL night. Max ended up going down very easily after a feed....however, he was exhausted from being up screaming all afternoon, so that wasn't too strange. But.....he then stirred around 10pm, so I put a sleeping bag on him and gave him a feed. Went to bed around 11pm. Sam cried out for me sometime after I ended up falling asleep in his bed for a while! Around 1.45am I heard Max cry out. Ended up poor Clydey was up with him....rocking him.....not realising that he was hungry! He didn't want to wake me! So I fed Max...put him to bed, and then got woken up at 6am for another feed....and then he went back down until 8.30am. Not a problem. No screaming. No fussing. Nothing. What a little champion! He had a few sleeps today and although he was slightly harder than the usual dump in the cot with his was only a matter of some rocking and that's it!!

Sambo cracked me up today. He didn't sleep again...think he's dropping his day sleeps. He's happy enough to rest for a while though, so we'll just keep that up. He was in his bed for an hour and a half today...then he started calling out to me. I got him up, and he went outside to play for a while. He was being very quiet so I went to check on him....he wasn't outside. Next thing I heard Max making noises...I knew he wasn't due to wake up I went in there. And there's Sambo in the cot with Max. I looked at him and said "what are you doing in there?". He looks at me and goes "Oh, just doing a poo, Mummy" if that was normal. As if that's where he always does his poos. (don't freak out, he's still not toilet trained, so his poo was going into his nappy!!). Unfortunately, I burst into laughter...and then couldn't get mad at him!

Anyway, Max didn't sleep too much this arvo, so not sure if that's cos Sambo woke him up before it was time, then he had trouble getting back there. He went down very easily I am really hoping that's as hard as it gets for us! Now to just work on Sambo dropping his!!!! Baby steps, baby steps.

Ok, just a few photos from today. How cute is Max, with that lazy eye and all!! And this is the absolutely gorgeous jacket Cas sent over for Sam for his b'day - gave it to him early so he could get maximum wear out of it!!


Cassandra Doyle said...

yep - i have always felt like that too Fona - i think it's why i have finally relaxed and decided the reason I didnt get some crappy bar job is cause the "real" job is going to come along... but not until after I have learnt the swedish language and learnt that i dont have to work 50+ hrs/week and be on call!!
And sambo - I think that is gorgeous - he was obviously missing his little bro!!

Cassandra Doyle said...

p.s. good luck with operation dummy ditch!