Monday, October 1, 2007

I don't want 5 kids.

More specifically 5 boys. I love my nephews and I love my sons. But 5 boys might just push me over the edge!!

Having a great time though (even if it is very noisy!!). We are making kites, we have played with play dough, been to the park, jumped on the tramp, played with the golf sticks, played with sticks, been to the shops.....and they've only been here since Friday night!! We are going to Shorncliffe Pier tomorrow, a picnic today, State Library on Wednesday....and maybe rest on Thursday (yeah right!).

Here are some photos - plenty, plenty more to come!!

Update on my kids - Sam fully toilet trained - day and night!! He was waking up with a dry nappy every morning, and the other night when I was putting him to bed I said we need to put a nappy on, and he said "nah, I don't need one" I figured, why not give it a go? What a little champ!! Max is still very I am guessing it's more teeth on the way? Can't see any but am hoping to hell that's what it is, cos I don't want him whingy like this all the time!! Still standing every now and then on his own....for longer and longer. It's not all the time though, so am grateful for that.

Ok, best go sweep for the 4th time today!!


Kim Nutley said...

Oh god the thought of 5 boys is enough to sen you batty LOL.

Love the photos though !!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

WTG Sam!!!!! How clever is he Fo!!!!! And you thought it would be harder didn't you ;-)
Told you it would just 'click' one day!

Actually, we need to catch up! These kids are growing waaaaaaaaaay too fast!